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研究方向: 消费者行为、网络营销
电    话:
电子邮件: zhudonghong1982@126.com


  1、Zhu Dong Hong, Chang, Ya Ping. Negative Publicity Effect of the Business Founder's Unethical Behavior on Corporate Image: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 2013, 117(1):111-121 (A类SSCI,FT45期刊).

  2、Zhu Dong Hong, *Chang Ya Ping. Effective of interactions and product information on initial purchase intention in product placement in social games: The moderating role of product familiarity. Journal of Electronic Eommerce Research, 2015, 16(1): 22-33. (B类SSCI)

  3、Zhu Dong Hong, Chang, Ya Ping, Chang, An. Effects of free gifts with purchase on online purchase satisfaction: The moderating role of uncertainty, Internet Research. Accepted.(SSCI)

  4、Zhu, Dong Hong, Chang, Ya Ping, Luo, Jian Jun, Li, Xin. Understanding the adoption of location-based recommendation agents among active users of social networking sites, Information Processing and Management, 2014,50(5): 675-682.(B类SSCI)

  5、Zhu, Dong Hong, Chang, Ya Ping. Investigating consumer attitude and intention toward free trials of technology-based services. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014, 30(1): 328–334.(A类SSCI)

  6、Zhu, Dong Hong, Chang, Ya Ping. Understanding motivations for continuance intention of online communities in China: A comparison of active users of social networking sites and virtual communities. Information Development, 2014, 30(2): 172-180.(B类SSCI)

  7、Chang, Ya Ping, *Zhu, Dong Hong, The role of perceived social capital and flow experience in building users' continuance intention to social networking sites in China, Computers in Human Behavior, 2012, 28(3), 995-1001.(A类SSCI)

  8、Chang, Ya Ping, *Zhu, Dong Hong, Understanding social networking sites adoption in china: a comparison of pre-adoption and post-adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, 2011, 27(5), 1840-1848.(A类SSCI)

  9、Chang, Ya Ping, *Zhu, Dong Hong, Wang, Simon Hao, The influence of online game service quality on loyalty: an empirical study of MMORPGs, Social Behavior and Personality, 2011, 39(10), 1297-1302.(B类SSCI)


  1、国家自然科学基金青年项目. SoLoMo情形下“下一个最佳购物建议”(NBO)对消费者决策的影响机制研究. 2014.01-2016.12
